Games Workshop for Leviathan Box & Warhammer

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Leviathan Box 40K: A Must-Have for Warhammer Enthusiasts

Leviathan Box


Warhammer 40K is a tabletop miniature wargame that has been around for more than 30 years. It's a game that has captured the hearts of many players worldwide, and its popularity continues to grow. One of the latest releases in the Warhammer 40K franchise is the Leviathan Box Set. In this blog post, we will explore the features of the Leviathan Box Set and why it is a must-have for Warhammer enthusiasts.

The Features of the Leviathan Box Set

The Warhammer Leviathan Box Set is a collection of miniatures that are used to play the Warhammer 40K game. It includes two factions: the Iron Warriors and the Raven Guard. The Iron Warriors are known for their ruthless, mechanized approach to war, while the Raven Guard is a more stealthy and guerrilla-like faction.

The box set includes

2 Leviathan Siege Dreadnoughts,

5 Iron Warriors Cataphractii Terminators, and

10 Raven Guard Space Marines.

Each miniature is intricately designed and comes with its own set of weapons and accessories. The box set also includes a 40-page campaign booklet that guides players through a series of battles between the Iron Warriors and the Raven Guard.

The Controversy Surrounding Games Workshop

Games Workshop (GW) is the company behind Warhammer 40K, and it has not been without controversy. In recent years, there have been accusations of racism and sexism in the company's products and marketing. Some players have also criticized the company for its high prices and lack of diversity in the miniatures.

Despite these criticisms, the Warhammer 40K community remains strong, and the game continues to be a favorite among tabletop gamers. In addition, GW has taken steps to address some of these concerns, such as introducing more diverse characters in their miniatures.

Where to Find the Leviathan Box Set

The Warhammer Leviathan Box Set is available for purchase at Games Workshop stores and other game stores near you. You can also purchase it online from various retailers such as Pinkerton and Bolter and Chainsword.


The Leviathan Box Set is a must-have for Warhammer enthusiasts. With its intricate designs and unique factions, it adds a new dimension to the Warhammer 40K game. Despite the controversy surrounding Games Workshop, the Warhammer 40K community remains strong, and the game continues to be a favorite among tabletop gamers. So, whether you're a seasoned Warhammer player or a newcomer to the game, the Leviathan Box Set is definitely worth checking out.

The Wonder of the Warhammer Leviathan Box 40k - An Exploration

The hobby of table-top gaming has a dedicated and passionate following in the United States. From Game of Thrones to Dungeons and Dragons, people across the country devote countless hours to playing and creating games. One of the most popular, however, is the Warhammer 40,000 series from Games Workshop. This particular franchise is beloved by many gamers and hobbyists around the globe, and the recent release of the Warhammer Leviathan Box 40k has caused a stir of excitement in the community.

For those unfamiliar with this series, Games Workshop is a British manufacturer and retailer of tabletop, war, and role-playing games. It is best known for its Warhammer and Dungeons and Dragons collections, and with their launch of the Warhammer Leviathan Box 40k, it has provided the US table-top and gaming community with a long-awaited new product.

The Warhammer Leviathan Box 40k is a box set of models, rules, and accessories that enable players to build and customize their very own 40,000 army. Within the box are boxes of models made of plastic and metal, and also an array of detailed rules, special characters, and vehicles. The contents of this box are exciting enough to warrant its own exploration, so let’s take a look at what it contains:

  • Models – The box includes models crafted of both plastic and metal, including Imperial Knights and Space Marines. Plus, it contains models to build an Iron Warriors 40k army, complete with tanks and heavy bolters.
  • Rules – The detailed rulebook includes a full range of rules and scenarios for exciting tabletop battles.
  • Special Characters – The set also includes special characters featuring Aspect Warriors, Necrons, Dark Angles, and Familiars of the Pinkerton Gue’veshen.
  • Vehicles – The vehicles in this box set include Rhinos, Land Raiders, and Predators, as well as Walkers and Battlewagons.
  • Games Workshop Store – The Games Workshop store near me has a variety of other accessories to add to the hands-on experience, including options for terrain pieces and extra models.

Despite the excitement of the Warhammer Leviathan Box 40k, there are still some controversies surrounding Games Workshop and its products. From hefty price tags to deep-seated allegiances to certain game stores, the gaming and hobbyist community is split right down the middle when it comes to the company’s practices.

Some enthusiasts have criticized the company for racism and sexism in their products and marketing, while others have praised them for introducing more diverse characters in their miniatures. Games Workshop has taken some steps to address these concerns, such as introducing more diverse characters in their miniatures.

In addition, Games Workshop has faced criticism for their high prices. It is no secret that Warhammer 40k is an expensive hobby, with starter sets typically costing a few hundred dollars. However, some players argue that the high prices are justified by the quality of the miniatures and the overall gaming experience.

Despite the controversies, the Warhammer 40k community remains strong, and the game continues to be a favorite among tabletop gamers. The Warhammer Leviathan Box 40k has been a popular addition to the series, with many players excited about the new models and rules it offers.

For those interested in purchasing the Warhammer Leviathan Box 40k, it is available for purchase at Games Workshop stores and other game stores near you. You can also purchase it online from various retailers such as Pinkerton and Bolter and Chainsword.

In conclusion, the Warhammer Leviathan Box 40k is a must-have for Warhammer enthusiasts. With its intricate designs and unique factions, it adds a new dimension to the Warhammer 40k game. Despite the controversies surrounding Games Workshop, the Warhammer 40k community remains strong, and the game continues to be a favorite among tabletop gamers. Whether you're a seasoned Warhammer player or a newcomer to the game, the Leviathan Box Set is definitely worth checking out.

Ah, the Leviathan Box. You've seen it; you've heard it; and now you're curious: How do you play it? Welcome to the world of Warhammer 40K's newest set of strategic, tactical and hobby fun. If you're new to the game, read on to learn more about what this set can offer you and your armchair general pals!

Let's start with the basics of the Leviathan Box.

What is the Leviathan Box?

The Leviathan box is an exciting new Warhammer 40K set that brings a brand new range of models, rules, and supplemental content to the 40K tabletop. The set was designed by Games Workshop, the king of miniature wargaming, and released in collaboration with Wizards of the Coast. The box comes with two armies – the Iron Warriors, a long-standing fan favorite, and the Orks – plus a special set of rules cards, scenery set and scenery items, and a hardbound rulebook.

The "box" refers to both the physical box the game comes in, which is spacious and decorated with a gorgeous matte finish, and the actual rules and content associated with it. The set is tailored for novices, but suitable for all levels of players.

How to Play the Leviathan Box

Playing the Leviathan Box is easy and straightforward, even for those who aren't experienced with Warhammer 40K. To start off with, let's look at the physical components of the box:

  • A large, sturdy box with a beautiful outer finish, complete with two full armies and all the additional scenery and wargaming accessories.
  • Two sets of painted models – the Iron Warriors and the Orks – each with detailed descriptions and photographs of each unit.
  • A comprehensive rulebook complete with descriptions of game objectives, unit powers and abilities, game phase rules, and more.
  • A set of removable cards containing game-specific rules, such as unit deployment and special abilities.
  • Premium scenery and terrain accessories suitable for a wide variety of gaming situations.

Now, let's jump into how to actually play the Leviathan Box set.

Step 1: Select an Army

The first step to starting a game of the Leviathan Box is to select one of the two armies included in the box. Both the Iron Warriors and the Orks are suitable for novices and experienced players alike, letting you choose the faction that best

suits your playstyle and personality. Each army has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, and it's important to understand how they work before beginning a game.

Step 2: Set Up Your Battlefield

Once you've selected your army, it's time to set up the battlefield. This involves placing terrain pieces, such as buildings and obstacles, and deploying your units. The rulebook provides detailed instructions on how to do this, and it's important to follow them closely to ensure a fair and balanced game.

Step 3: Begin the Game

Once the battlefield is set up, it's time to begin the game. The Leviathan Box comes with a set of comprehensive rules that cover everything from movement and combat to special abilities and psychic powers. It's important to read through these rules carefully before beginning the game, and to refer back to them as needed during play.

Step 4: Play the Game

Playing the Leviathan Box involves taking turns with your opponent, moving and attacking with your units, and trying to achieve the game objectives. The game is won by scoring victory points, which are earned by completing certain objectives and defeating enemy units.

Step 5: Have Fun!

Above all else, playing the Leviathan Box is about having fun. Whether you're a seasoned Warhammer player or a newcomer to the game, the Leviathan Box offers hours of entertainment and excitement. So gather your friends, set up your armies, and get ready for an epic battle!

 The miniatures are divided into 25 elite, battle-hardened Space Marines* – the Imperium’s ultimate defenders against innumerable horrors – and a seething swarm of 47 ravenous Tyranids that desire nothing more than to consume all the biomass in the galaxy. Let’s take a closer look at each army.

The Space Marines are the Emperor’s Angels of Death, vengeful warriors who have sworn an oath to protect the beleaguered Imperium from all assailants. As the jaws of Hive Fleet Leviathan close on the Galactic West, they’ve got their work cut out for them, and are deploying new units to combat the Tyranid threat.

Captain in Terminator Armour


A storied and stalwart warrior protected by a sacred suit of Tactical Dreadnought armour, this Captain is a resilient commander who excels at leading Terminator strike forces deep into enemy lines.

Librarian in Terminator Armour


Librarians are the battle psykers of the Space Marines, smiting foes with bolts of witchfire and manipulating the empyrean to shield their allies. Encased in Terminator armour, he’s one of the most durable psykers available to Space Marine forces.

Apothecary Biologis


Understanding your enemy, no matter how vile, is the key to defeating them. Thanks to his mighty Gravis armour, the Apothecary Biologis can advance through withering enemy fire to take samples of enemy biomatter with his vivispectrum, turning his foes’ biology against them.

Lieutenant in Phobos Armour


Wielding a combi-weapon and two combat blades, this Phobos-armoured Lieutenant can infiltrate ahead of the main Space Marine force, sowing discord among his enemies and disrupting their battle lines.

Sternguard Veteran Squad


Renowned for their unerring proficiency with bolt weapons, Sternguard Veterans are fearsome combatants drawn from their Chapter’s 1st Company and issued with special ammunition designed to combat the Tyranid threat.

Terminator Squad


Terminators are the elite of the elite, veterans clad in hulking armour, wielding power fists, storm bolters, and devastating assault cannons. Beamed into the thick of the action with a teleport homer, few horrors in the galaxy can withstand their sledgehammer onslaught.

Infernus Squad


When you’re faced with innumerable hordes of xenos, an Infernus Squad is the perfect tool. Armed with Pyreblasters that spit gouts of incandescent flame, they purge their foes with fiery wrath.

Ballistus Dreadnought


The Ballistus Dreadnought is a fearsome weapons platform armed with a versatile missile launcher and a devastating lascannon, the perfect counter to heavily armoured enemy monsters and tanks.

Read more about the Space Marine side of the box here:


Tyranids are a voracious alien swarm invading the galaxy from beyond the void. Guided by the Hive Mind, they have one terrible purpose – to devour every last shred of biomass, reconstituting it into even more powerful biomorphs and repeating the nightmarish cycle anew on the next world in their path. 

Winged Tyranid Prime


The Winged Tyranid Prime is a hideous alpha-beast that combines strength with agility, swooping above the battlefield and identifying targets to descend upon and tear apart with razor-sharp talons.



Radiating ahead of every Tyranid hive fleet is the terrifying silence known as the Shadow in the Warp, a psychic phenomenon that blocks warp-based communication. During invasions, the Neurotyrant acts as a focusing node for this strange power, liquifying the minds of its prey as it orchestrates hordes of Tyranids to victory.



The living battering rams known as Carnifexes come in many shapes and sizes, but the Screamer-Killer is the most infamous adaptation – and the biggest. Named after the sinister howl emitted as it unleashes their bio-plasma blasts, Screamer-Killers are unstoppable shock creatures.

Von Ryan’s Leapers


Before the main hive fleet force lands, vanguard organisms like Von Ryan’s Leapers often embed themselves on the hive fleet’s target planet. These ambush-hunters lie in wait, avoiding detection until they can do as much damage as possible.



Huge shifting swarms of Termagants are the mainstay of many Tyranid invasion forces. Armed with ranged bio-organic weapons, these scuttling beasts rush forward to erode their enemy’s defences through sheer weight of numbers.



Neurogaunts are a variant strain of gaunt, that share a symbiotic relationship with the parasitic neurocytes that cling to their backs. Their primary purpose is to protect the powerful synapse creatures that coordinate the Tyranid invasion, and they will sacrifice themselves in droves to fulfil this task.



A strange fusion of gaunt, bio-cannon, and a ganglio-parasite that enslaves the two, Barbgaunts are living ordnance that shower targets with projectiles that explode into shards of serrated chitin. 



The Hive Mind has imbued this particular biomorph with a hunger for enemy psykers, its digestive tract somehow able to metabolise psychic lifeforms into psychocorrosive ash, which it projects forward in blistering torrents.

Read more about the Tyranid side of the box here:


While you can deploy both armies in full to play a brutal but balanced game of Warhammer 40,000, the box also contains more than enough models to form two full Combat Patrols that will let you play this new, faster-paced game format right out of the box. 

What Else is in the Box?

Accessories ENG

Warhammer 40,000: Leviathan is a weighty tome packed with lore, rules, artwork, and stunning photography of models. This book covers the core of the hobby, background information for Warhammer 40,000, information about every faction, and a gorgeous showcase of beautifully painted miniatures.


On top of that, you’ll get the core rules for Warhammer 40,000, and the rules – as well as specially designed missions – for the new Combat Patrol game format. You’ll also find a full complement of Crusade rules to get your narrative campaigns up and running ahead of Codex releases, and a full Crusade expansion that delves into the story of the Fourth Tyrannic War through a series of linked campaign games.

What about the missions? There’s a 66-card Chapter Approved deck in the box which combines the best Matched Play options from previous editions, which is designed to provide the best and most flexible mission experience for everyone from the most casual players right up to the most competitive.

On top of this, you’ll also find a construction booklet to help you build your miniatures and a decal sheet for the Space Marine force.

Read more about the books and cards in the box here:


Discover the Tyrannic War

This set will get you bang up to date with the current storyline in Warhammer 40,000, but if you want to explore the horrors of the Fourth Tyrannic War, there’s the Leviathan tie-in novel by Darius Hinks, in which the Ultramarines mount a desperate defence in the face of the monstrous Hive Fleet Leviathan.


For a closer look at the Space Marine and Tyranid miniatures from the Leviathan set, and more details of the rest of the awesome contents, head to the Warhammer Fest hub. There’s also a whole host of other reveals as the weekend continues! 

The Leviathan box will be available to order in June, and will be the first place to get your hands on the new Tyranids and Space Marines. The Leviathan book is exclusive to this box and its contents, though all the rules – and the Crusade section – will be available separately soon after.

The Warhammer 40,000 Roadmap

Leviathan is just the beginning for the new edition of Warhammer 40,000. There’ll be a brisk pace of releases following hot on the heals of the launch set.

40k Roadmap

You won’t even have to wait for your Codex to start playing! Every single faction is getting a complete set of Index Cards with datacards for each unit that’s currently available, as well as their own Detachment rules, Stratagems, and Enhancements. These will be available to download online for free from day one, while they’ll also become available in the app. You’ll be able to buy inexpensive physical copies at the same time.

Win a copy of the Leviathan boxed set! 

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If you have a MyWarhammer account and are signed up to the Warhammer newsletter before May 14th, you could win a copy of the Leviathan boxed set! Terms and conditions apply.

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*Who also get a cool teleport homer model to bring them into action!


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